I'm not sure what all of you think about knockoffs out there... but being a girl on a HUGE budget, I'm down. I recently came across a site called GoJane. I'm going to be honest and say that the clothes are more a long the lines of Wet Seal/Contempo Casuals kind of thing. On the other hand, most of the shoes are awesome. Awesome as in I can finally get myself a pair of 'Litas'. Probably the closest I will get while planning a wedding and figuring out how to get back into school when that's over! So for a girl like me, these are beyond perfect. Looking forward to maybe adding a pair of suede ones to these so my cute shoes don't get lonely. ;)Maybe I'll get a few pairs of cute socks to throw on during these cold Winter type days we have been having around my parts of California. Brrrrrr.