Friday, November 18, 2011

16. If the shoe fits

I'm not sure what all of you think about knockoffs out there... but being a girl on a HUGE budget, I'm down.  I recently came across a site called GoJane. I'm going to be honest and say that the clothes are more a long the lines of Wet Seal/Contempo Casuals kind of thing. On the other hand, most of the shoes are awesome. Awesome as in I can finally get myself a pair of 'Litas'. Probably the closest I will get while planning a wedding and figuring out how to get back into school when that's over! So for a girl like me, these are beyond perfect. Looking forward to maybe adding a pair of suede ones to these so my cute shoes don't get lonely. ;)Maybe I'll get a few pairs of cute socks to throw on during these cold Winter type days we have been having around my parts of California. Brrrrrr.


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

15. In My Baby's Arms...

Sometimes you have to let the songs do all the talking.... or blogging in this case. I know I will never ever ever be alone... 

This song goes out to the best man I know...
My Fiance.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

14. 10 Months

Well, I can't say I've been doing a great job at blogging! Nothing wrong with that. Usually means I have been enjoying my life instead of filling it with internet time!

Speaking of time, its exactly 10 months away from my WEDDING! Those are words I never thought I would type, speak or write down. Ever! Needless to say I am getting more excited each day.. and more nervous! In a good way. Planning is quiet at the moment. Hopefully I can stock pile all my energy and save it for when things start to really get crazy around March! I'm guessing sleep will no longer be in the cards about 6 months out. I get a little to anxious in any exciting situation. This being my wedding, I'm sure my ever present anxiety will be in overdrive! 

The other day I finally treated myself to a 'real' haircut! I say 'real' because for the last  years I have been cutting my own hair. Not exactly ideal. Luckily, it never look horrible. Needless to say it was great going to a salon and being pampered a tad. Doesn't hurt that my hair is finally looking healthy and has more than one layer!

And a quick pic of my hair! 

P.S. Thanks again to everyone who helped vote in the contest.We didn't win... but there was a lot of effort put in by a lot of people! Thanks Again!