well, i actually followed through with something. in the past few years i have had about a million ideas. blog this, make that.... but i never seem to actually apply myself. that's my biggest problem, inherent laziness. i have never really applied myself 100% to many things in my life. my wedding being the biggest exception. i planned the shit out of that. so for me to actually have an idea and to fulfill it, is a monumental moment for me. so i hope it pays off. please take a look at my new etsy shop, creatures of the fog. i hope this leads to big things, more consistent blog posts and much more.
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Monday, June 3, 2013
coming soon: crystal and silver jewelry
recently i've been woking on getting an etsy shop opened. at the moment i don't have a lot of inventory to put out, but am happy with they start of this. the intention is the keep the line similar to the necklace shown above, but i plan on adding rings, earrings and who knows what else. i used crystals, wire, and a small piece of abalone shell on the front. i still haven't settle on a shop name. so hopefully something will come to me soon. i need to get these babies up! let me know what you all think, i would love some feedback.
abelone shell,
san francisco,
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
a week in instagram picture.
life has felt pretty much nonstop recently. after a whirlwind move, catching up with friends, and trying to get to know more about our new city i feel ready for something a little slower paced. luckily working from home is making this pretty easy. trying to cook up a few post for the near future. its amazing being in such an inspiring place. until then, i leave you all with a little of my week in instagram pictures.
1. yummy sangria during date night
2. makeup isn't common these days. needed to be documented. ;)
3. 4. drinks at wilson and wilson. this is a really cool speakeasy style bar in sf. its actually 3 different bars in 1, and used to be a real speakeasy.
5. hanging at the our favorite park with one our best friends. i actually took this one off of her instagram.
6. hotel huntington. i've taken way too many pictures of this sign already. my husband and i stayed here for his birthday for about 4 years ago now. weird to live so close to it now.
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
tuesday tunage: iggy azalea- work
there is just something about this chick that i love. i've been listening to this song a lot recently, well all of her stuff for that matter. maybe i feel like i can relate at this moment in my life... not really sure what it is. just totally dig her. oh wait, it's probably dat a$$. haha
Friday, May 10, 2013
an explanation
wow. to say the least, this hiatus was not planned. to say a lot has been going on, is also putting things lightly since i last posted my life has basically taken a complete 360.
after my husband and i got married late last year, we really thought things were going to change for us. for some reason we had it in our heads getting married was the first step of many to basically start the path to building a better life. ( it still is when you look at the bigger picture of life, just not according to the perfect picture we painted.) well, things didn't exactly go like that for the first 6 months. my husband was unhappy in his job, i thought i would leave mine and start school right away. so needless to say we felt a little lost and even trapped.
i was trying to make the best of it. see we knew we would be moving no matter what. husbands job was moving him to a new office a lot closer to the area of california we wanted to be. so i started to look into school around the area of said move. eventually i found one in san francisco. not where we would be moving, but close enough to make a commute work. i toured the school and started enrolling.
randomly one day my husband sent out a resume. to only one company. a few days later they responded, asking for an interview. to make this already long story a little shorter, he got the job, we found an apartment and moved in the matter of about 2 weeks. moved to SAN FRANCISCO at that! and if you have followed me at all, you know this our favorite place, and also the city we got married in. so it holds a lot of meaning for us.
at this point i still feel like i'm on some sort of weird vacation. where i work at home and stay in someones very cozy apartment. i feel so amazing about our future at this point. the idea that things happen if they are meant to happen is exactly how i feel right now. all our stars have aligned. our planets must be in just the right faze. okay, ill cut it out with the hippie bs.
while are really just settling in, i already feel so at home here. in just a little over two months time i will starting school, so i have at least till then to explore and get to know my surroundings. i'm in a state of pure bliss these days. i often find myself smiling from ear to ear most days for no reason at all.
whats your favorite place? i know we all have that city we feel was made for us. and i finally live in mine.
image from our wedding album
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
tuesday tunage: alt j
My husband and i have been totally digging alt-j for quite some time now. it was one of those things where i thought they were relatively unknown and then bam, they were all over the place. if you still have no clue who they are check them out. you won't be sorry.
Monday, March 4, 2013
worst blogger of the year award
i guess i should just give myself the worst blogger of the year award for 2013 already. because i can't say i've bee doing very well about updating. i guess a lot of the time its hard to want to put anything up here, because often i feel like most of this goes unseen. i think thats something i need to look past so i can feel more motivated on a daily basis.
with that being said i just wanted to share a little something i did last night while relaxing. the original image is not my own. go check out her blog for more awesomeness. if only i had that much talent and direction a her age.
for more of her work visit
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
cream to my coffee print
long story short, sorry for being so absent. my husband and i are going though a huge transition period right now. it's left me feeling tired an simply unmotivated. i think i'll leave it at that. sometimes dwelling on said problems only makes moving on harder. so heres to major change in the next 6 months.
i wanted to leave you all with a free print today. inspired by my husbands upcoming birthday ( it's on fridayyyy!
) and our love for coffee! so feel free to print this one out for yourself. i can see it in a cute fame hanging in the kitchen or eve given as a gift to a fellow coffee lover. hope everyone is having a great start to february.
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
getting off track
after spending most of my mourning pouring over the chanel spring/summer 2013 haute couture show, i realized its been ages since of made a post regarding something like this. it's shows me how much i have actually strayed from my original format for this blog. i'm not saying thats bad, it's just nice to get back into something that reminds me of the reason i originally started blogging. fashion.
when i say i'm in luuurrve with this. i mean it! from the striking, heavy handed black, almost winged like eye makeup, to the amazing contrast and combinations of leather, lace and feathers! here are just a few of my favorite looks.
all images via
i love second dress the most. probably because it seems to be the most 'wearable' in my eyes. thinking of maybe trying out the eye makeup for a fun little shoot!
happy hump day.
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
tuesday tunage// minus the bear - into the mirror
currently listening to this song on repeat. after seeing them perform on ' live from daryl's house ' over the weekend i completely became re-addicted. recipe of the week to come later, so stay tuned.
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
recipe of the week: bread and butter
for our first recipe of the week we decided to do something i know you all can make! bread and butter. i would have to say this is one of the easiest things my husbands makes, but still comes off as something that might take some skill. please continue reading for the recipes.
no knead bread
2 1/2 cups bread flour
1/2 cup whole wheat flour
1/4 teaspoon instant yeast
3/4 tablespoon kosher salt
1 1/2 cups lukewarm water
in a large bowl mix all the dry ingredients. add water and mix in. cover with plastic wrap and place in cold oven for 12-20 hours. greg says he normally try's to shoot for 20 if he has the time.
remove from oven after resting 20 hours. place dough on a floured board and gently form into ball. over kneading will make the bread too chewy. it is no knead bread after all!
next, place dough in a towel lined bowl. make sure the towel has been lightly dusted with the flour so it won't stick! let rest another 2 hours.
a half hour before the second rest is over, preheat your oven and dutch oven ( which you will be baking in ) at 500 degrees. make sure the dutch oven lid is on. at the end of 2 hours take your dutch oven out and drop the oven temp to 450 degrees. place your dough in the dutch oven. score an " x " on the top with a knife, about 1/4 - 1/2 " deep. ( optional ) bake bread for 30 minutes with the lid on.
remove lid and bake for an additional 15-20 minutes. tap the bottom of the bread and it should sound like a drum. this means its done!

1 quart heavy cream
pinch of salt
pour heavy cream into food processor. add a pinch of salt and add lid. blend anywhere from 5-6 minutes.
once butter has mostly formed , take out and place in a strainer. squeeze all the extra liquids out with a spatula or spoon . if you have cheese cloth use this instead. just place inside a square or cloth, twist up and squeeze. we just didn't have any this time around!
last, place finished butter on foil, wrap, and form into a bar shape. now enjoy your tasty treat! you deserve it!
Sunday, January 13, 2013
recipe card download
after designing our wedding invitations this past year, i realized i might have a little side business on my hands. this is the first of what i hope to be many free printable's ill be putting on the blog. being a new wife, and terrible cook i thought i needed a little encouragement in the kitchen. what better way, than to make recipe cards! i received a recipe box for my bridal shower that is still empty... whoops! please use the second image, and print on 8.5x11 card stock for best results. for personal use only.
Saturday, January 12, 2013
weekly wishlist
happy saturday! hope everyone is enjoying the weekend. this week i wanted to start something i hope to keep up! i didn't exactly set new years resolutions for myself this year. i just want to stick to what i say i will. consistent blogging features is one of those things i keep telling myself i want to do. so this along with a few other should slowly but surly be popping up on the blog!
1. 2013 daily journal by frankie magazine. goes in tune with wanting to stay organized and goel oriented this year. having a great place to write it all down always seems to help!
2. apothecary soap set from need supply co. just a little something nice to have out when guest are over.
3. silk rose print shirt by madwell. perfect for winter/spring transition!
4. outdoors enamel peculator! i've been wanting something like this for camping for ages now.
5. brown basic cowboy boots from zara. perfect heel height for walking and looking cute at the same time.
6. the hobbit for kindle. getting back into reading after getting an ipad for christmas.
7. pendelton blanket with leather carrier case. great for throwing in the car for impromptu picnics!
8. lace embroidered dress from topshop. well, just because!
ill be back tomorrow with my first ootd post in what will seem like forever! stay tuned.
Monday, January 7, 2013
lazy sunday
now that the holidays are over i feel like my husband and i finally have time for a little more lazy time at home. granted, cleaning the house and cooking doesn't exactly fit the criteria of lazy. that's just what we like to do on a sunday to unwind for the work week. i'm currently seated between a very needy cat and dog who keep fighting for my attention, sipping on a glass of wine while my husband finishes up dinner. he's the cook in the house you will soon find out. this coming weekend i'm going to start a weekly cooking feature with him. i can't wait.
today both my husband and I tried using coconut oil in our hair. well, he actually tried it in his beard to be more specific. ;) the results were great. it added a lot of shine and seemed to smooth the texture for both of us. one of my best girlfriends has been telling me to try this for quite some time. i've also been told its great for oil cleansing and soaking your feet in. i think I might have to try all these. i'm slightly obsessed with all thing coconut these days.
how did you spend your saturday?
Sunday, January 6, 2013
our wedding
this past september i finally got married the man of my dreams. after 18 months of planning, i can actually say it really was everything i hoped for and needed. in all honesty it wasn't the easiest thing we have ever done. after changing plans majorly once, cutting the guest list down, then down and down... we finally came out with a product i think my husband and i can be very proud of. If we could have, we would have invited every soul we knew. in the end the product was a very intimate affair. we were married by one of our best friends while our family and closest friends looked on.
Sorry for what will be a very image heavy post!
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
this next year i hope to accomplish more goals. in 2012 i set what was probably an idiotic amount of goals for myself. most i would have never had time for while planning my wedding. see, i'm very envious of the woman who seems to be able to get it all done. blogging, child raising, sewing projects, mastor home decorating, gourmet cooking accomplishments that i could never dream of, it's really just not me. at least not me now. we all have room for a little self improvement, right?
i'm sure i've said this a ridiculous amount of times, but i really hope to start blogging more.
it's something i had hoped to start doing as soon as we were done with the wedding. i just found myself so burnt out on most things blog oriented, i really just needed to stay away. luckily i feel like i have the means, energy, and motivation to finally try a little harder this time. i hope to bring more content, to introduce a few things i haven't tried yet on the blog for the most part. so i hope you guys will stick around and see whats to come.
stay tuned for a little wedding a new years eve fun!
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